Saturday, July 27, 2013

...found him pHIL...


I found him pHIL but.......seriously what the fuck....

Straight to the point, Twitch is dead. But not in any way I would have expected.

I got from one side of the world to the other in a record 4:37. Instantly began scouring the city. Followed the blood trails on the sides of the buildings. They lead into one of those alleyways that start out narrow but open up into a big squared off place where they put dumpsters and trash cans.

It was a massacre.

From what I could process at the time it looked like there was about 70-80 bodies, including the cold brats servants, proxies, hollowed, and runners, I was expecting those. But what really took me for a loop was that there were fucking timberwolves there. That's when I saw what was there besides bodies.

The alley was split cleanly in half, one side frozen, the other littered with bullets and scorch marks. On the far wall was Twitch's body, sitting against it with his knives embedded in his eyes all the way to the hilt, the fine line between zones going straight through his middle. Instead of the blood flowing down his face it went to the side and up the wall, forming a mural of the Twin Triangles above Twitch's head.

This means Archangel most likely took his soul. That doesn't mean Cold Boy didn't fight for it though.

After everything is cleaned up and I finish up with Med's experiment I'll go bury him in his family's graveyard back in America.

Veigar signing out.

Friday, July 19, 2013

A little downtime.

I guess that things are calming down a bit I can talk about a few things that have been going on.

For one pHIL resolved his civil war. I helped in the background by taking out patrols on the path and proxies trying to sneak in the back of the place. Took out a few hollows that they tried to path in as well. And I only played backup in the meeting. If Deimos had tried something he'd be in a Denizens stomach and in between it's claws right now. We're staying at pHILL's for a bit to finally meet first of all and I have a small bit of work to do here.

Secondly, before the civil war thing the remnants of that organization I blew up came after me again.

Although this time they busted into a room with a crazed Twitch. Gave the room a nice red paint job. So unless there are more I can be fairly certain I won't be kidnapped by them specifically again.

And finally, Twitches recovery. After using and astronomical amount of medical supplies (Sedatives) he stopped flailing whenever he woke up again. The only thing that was disturbing is that he keeps staring at me with these creepy, wide, unblinking eyes. Plus when he talks there's a distinct lack of screaming and emotion.

Yet this doesn't stop his frequent seizures.

The bots' are back at base keeping watch while we're here.

Veigar signing out.

Friday, July 5, 2013



So from what I've been hearing and seeing, pHIL might have a civil war on his hands.

You said that you don't feel confident about 3 good fighter and 10 decent fighters versus 30ish people?

How about 6 (7 Twitch gets better) highly trained fighters, 3 good fighters, 10 decent fighters, and if I can, a few Denizens against them.

I'm offering help. It's your choice if you want it.

P.S. Did I mention robots? Yeah, I have those.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Return trip.

Me and Xander just got back from England about seven hours ago. Along with Twitch's unconscious body.

When I went to go pick up Xander I came across the scene of some of pHIL's men fighting a bunch of assorted beings. I saw a few proxies, Children of the Cold, and a hallowed or two. They were quickly being pushed back so I decided to help.

It was simple from there. We just kicked their asses and sent them away.

"Thanks mate." One of them said.

"My name Orbis and this bloke is Kappa." Said the other.

V: You don't need to thank me. I was on my way to pick up my colleague, and you happened to be in my path.

O: Either way you saved our lives.

K: So we owe you I guess.

V: I'll keep that in mind next time I'm in Europe. But thanks to this I'm late now so farewell.

O & K: See ya.

And with that I went to the location to the meet up and found that they split up after they noticed I wasn't there. With a sigh of frustration I searched the area for Xander and found him in a pub drinking some ale and chatting up a storm with drunkards.

He was telling what they thought were funny made up stories but were actually some of the more fun missions we've had over the years. I just ignored his complaining while I dragged him out of there.

For the next few days we finished his visit to his family. He just told them I was one of his friends from the states that surprised him by coming here too. Nice people, hope they don't get involved.

Then I saw Twitch's spouts' of insanity on the fool's blog and went to find him. Realizing he was alone for the first time ever I redoubled my efforts before it was too late.

And as Xander commented earlier, we found him screaming, sobbing, bleeding, and swearing in ways you could never imagine in an alleyway. All while smashing his head into the wall viciously. If we hadn't got there a few seconds later he probably would be dead by now.

My assumption is that he had his first encounter with the Cold Boy and that it wasn't a pretty one. He had frost on him and there was some frozen blood so it's obvious that that's the case. After Xander sedated him he did the best he could on his head without his fancy tools back at base. But we pathed back instantly and he patched his skull up like a pro.

When Twitch woke up it wasn't much better though.

T:F f f fuc mn o o ccc cold.........AAAAHHHHH!

He started having a seizure so we sedated him again and tied him up so we would stop flailing. Most definitely out of commission for a while.

Veigar out.

EDIT: I feel like a monster! I forgot music!