Friday, July 19, 2013

A little downtime.

I guess that things are calming down a bit I can talk about a few things that have been going on.

For one pHIL resolved his civil war. I helped in the background by taking out patrols on the path and proxies trying to sneak in the back of the place. Took out a few hollows that they tried to path in as well. And I only played backup in the meeting. If Deimos had tried something he'd be in a Denizens stomach and in between it's claws right now. We're staying at pHILL's for a bit to finally meet first of all and I have a small bit of work to do here.

Secondly, before the civil war thing the remnants of that organization I blew up came after me again.

Although this time they busted into a room with a crazed Twitch. Gave the room a nice red paint job. So unless there are more I can be fairly certain I won't be kidnapped by them specifically again.

And finally, Twitches recovery. After using and astronomical amount of medical supplies (Sedatives) he stopped flailing whenever he woke up again. The only thing that was disturbing is that he keeps staring at me with these creepy, wide, unblinking eyes. Plus when he talks there's a distinct lack of screaming and emotion.

Yet this doesn't stop his frequent seizures.

The bots' are back at base keeping watch while we're here.

Veigar signing out.


  1. I hate to ask more of you, but, while you're here... I need training. I know the basics, the bare essentials, but for the most part I'm reliant on Azothto guide me in a fight, but sadly I can't rely on that if the trail I'm following leads where I think it does. I need to be able to fight without it, and you're the only person who I think can help. Also, I'm stopping in at the 'home grounds' up the road, need to speak to the owner. Fancy a coffee?

    1. Training was already planned for you guys.

      And I don't drink coffee. Only tea and water.

